Privacy statement
We take privacy seriously and believe we comply with current rules and guidelines.
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us, we will listen and try to accommodate you in a helpful and respectful way. The website is based on TNG a website package, the security of which we are reliant on.
Living persons
A family tree website would be severely diminished if it did not include the latest generations, so this site contains details of living people. Their details are not displayed to people who access the site anonymously and login is generally only open to family members who subscribe and are manually approved by a site administrator.
User types and rights
There are four types of user of this website:
- Anonymous: a World Wide Web user who's identity is unknown; they can see all details of people who are no longer living but no details of living people. An "Anonymous user" is able to fill out an online form and provide corrections or updates that are verified by an Administrator before they are implemented.
- User: someone who has requested a user login and who we have good reason to believe has a genuine interest in our family history; they can see all details of people who are no longer living and details of living adults but not details of anyone living and under 18 years of age. A registered "User" is able to fill out an online form and provide corrections or updates to both deceased and living persons that are verified by an Administrator before they are implemented.
- Submitter: the same as a User (above) except that they can also submit proposed changes, additions (including media e.g. photos), deletions, corrections etc. A "Submitter" has additional resources to make these changes easier rather than a generic online form. These changes will still be reviewed by an Administrator before being applied to the website. A submitter will normally be someone who is in the main family tree.
- Administrator: at the moment there are only two (John and Cliff) but with a combined age exceeding 140 we will need more at some stage (succession planning!). Admins can see and change all details on the website.
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