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“The Shards” — Newsletter of the Shard*low Study Group
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Issue #24
The last three months have been less eventful than the previous quarter although three new contacts were made near the end of
the period. Most of the available time has been taken up trying to answer some of the queries received, unfortunately without
much success. Some time ago Tim Wassell sent me references to land transactions dated 1704 in the Shardlow area of
Derbyshire which I had not followed up. These referred to a William Shardlow of Makeney, in spite of knowing Derbyshire well
this was a new name to me but I found it was mentioned in the Domesday Book as Makeney Waste, part of the settlement of
Duffield. The Duffield Parish Registers date from 1598 but did not help with the origins of William although they also mentioned a
Thomas Shardlow of Holbrook (also part of Duffield) who I assume to have been William's brother. Apparently Duffield was the
only church for quite a large area although some places had small Chantry Chapels for private worship. Baptisms, Marriages and Burials had to be conducted at Duffield. This seems to have been the case well into the 18th Century.
The Name
In Shards #21 reference was made to the name Sharlough, further investigation shows that it is an Irish surname and is not
thought to be a variant of the subject of our study.
Strange sequel
Some time ago I commented on the number of Shard*low names on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission web site
including two civilians, recently I received an E-mail from a gentleman in Sydney, Australia who signed himself “Joe Twichin". Joe knew the two civilians, Harry (Henry) Shardalow [CWGC certificate] and his wife Emma [CWGC certificate] who
were volunteers in the ARP (Air Raid Precautions) which explains why they were listed by the CWGC. They were killed along with their daughter Marie [CWGC certificate] when a bomb made a direct hit on their house. Harry had a Greengrocers
business in the same street, Delamere Crescent, Paddington, London, where Harry's mother and "Joe Twichin's" family lived
above the shop. Joe's last comment to me was..."Harry was a nice man.", what finer epitaph could anyone want. The name immediately above this on the Debt of Honour Register is Private Albert George Shardalow [CWGC certificate], killed on
27 September 1918, the son of Mr & Mrs AG Shardalow of 35 Delamere Crescent, Paddington, the same address as Harry's
shop! Further investigation showed that they were all part of John (who puts these newsletters on line) Shardalow's family. (Note from me, John Shardalow. The Shardalow family has visited Albert’s grave in France on quite a few occasions over the
years – by myself just a couple of years ago.. The British part of the cemetary is kept in immaculate condition. The noticeable
thing visiting there is the young age of those that died. Albert was quite a senior amongst these men – he was 25!)
Sports Section
What started as a light hearted ‘one off' seems to be gathering momentum, Lyndsey Shardlow reported that a Paul Shardlow,
onetime goalkeeper for Stoke City Football Club collapsed and died while on tour with the club. I do not have a date for this sad event but I think it was sufficiently long ago not to cause anyone distress now.
Paul was the son of Bert...& Nell nee Evans who were part of the large family in the Stone area of Staffordshire.
John Shardalow pointed me to a web site on cricket in New Zealand where a Thomas SHARDALOW Sweet was listed as playing for both Canterbury and Aukland between 1873 and 1877. He was said to have been born in Hackney, London on 1 Aug 1851 but no record of this has been found.
Last but by no means least, Richard Shardelow finished about midway in the list of those who completed "Ironman Triathlon" reported in the last Newsletter. Considering there was a massive entry of more than 800 of whom only three quarters finished the course, this seems to me to be a very creditable performance. Well done Richard.
Are there any more sporting stories out there, if so lets have them.
Proposed "Get-together"
The replies to John's poll on this have not exactly been overwhelming but there was a small majority in favour of holding it in the
late summer of 2003. The weekend Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th & Monday 25th of August 2003 has been agreed, the Monday
being a public holiday in the UK. An information pack is being prepared which can be downloaded from the Internet, you will be
advised as soon as it is ready but why not reserve that weekend now. Members in Australia and Canada have already indicated their intention to come.
Military Research
If you need any help with military records and are unable to visit the PRO at Kew a useful web site is www.militaryresearchon.com [This link is not working now]. This is not a free service but I have found their charges very reasonable.
One Step Back?
The record for the Shardelow family in Norton Subcourse which gave rise to several members of the Group has been stuck at
1715 for several years. There are several other records of the name at that time and earlier but it has not been possible to
connect these. The late Gordon Keys, who did a lot of research on this family, suggested a possible connection but was unable to prove it.
The proven record starts with the marriage of John Shardelow and Mary Smyth at little Plumstead 2 Jan 1715, unfortunately this does not record the names of their parents, there was Smyth family in Lt. Plumstead with a Mary of the right age but no Shardelows other than John. Gordon Keys suggestion concerned a family living at Dickleburgh on the Norfolk Suffolk border which included a John of the right age, his father died before the date of John's marriage and did not leave a will. Johns grandfather's will (1712) mentions him but with no clue to connect him to the John who married Mary Smyth
New Contacts
Five new names to add to the list, Joe Shardelow who is a brother of Paul, Sue ?? lives in Yorkshire and is descended from the
John and Mary mentioned in "One Step Back". Keith Parks has given me a lot of information on his Shardlow ancestors in
Leicester and Betty Wright in Canada is doubly related to me as she has Wigg and Bexfield connections as well as Shardelow.
With the agreement of both parties I have given her email address to Carol Steer but I have not heard if they have made contact.
Although several generations removed from the Shardelows Betty's brother is another addition to our Roll of Honour, he lost his life while serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Just before finishing this issue of "Shards" Avril Marshall made contact with Kay in New Zealand, she is our first member in that country. Her roots were in Birmingham and seem to be a new branch of the name.
Boyd's Marriage Index has not provided any new events for Shardalow or Shardelow but, surprisingly, did come up with 9
Shardlow marriages. On further investigation some of these had already been recorded from other sources as Shardelow and
the rest could definitely be connected to that spelling so were obviously the result of a transcription error. I give these below as shown in the index but should be taken as all Shardelows.
Owner of original | Originally created by Gerry Langford (d. 2017) |
File name | shard/myfolio_01/24_issue.html |
File Size | 20.37 KB |
Media ID | 1201 |
Dimensions | n/a |
Folio version | v15.0.0.38 (B241216-032904) |
Linked to | Albert George SHARDALOW |
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